Lock Rekey

Professional Services





Top Quality Locksmith Services


Rated 5.00 Stars

UpgradeYour Home Security with Our Lock Rekey Services!

Lock rekey is a cost effective solution offered by Austin Door & Lock to upgrade the security of your property. 

This service involves changing the pins in the cylinder to different sizes and change the old key to a new key that matches the updated cylinder.

This process useful in few situations such as moving into a new home, renting an apartment, leasing commercial space or even after firing an employee.

Rekey locks is a more economical alternative from replacing the entire lock. It is especially viable if you have high quality locks with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Grade 1.

Master Key System

We offers the convenience of rekey multiple locks in a home or commercial property to operate with a single key or providing master key systems for rental properties and condominium associations. This service is not only about upgrade security also about convenience.

How its work?

The process of lock rekey need a skill locksmith to adjust the lock to function with a new key. This work done by accessing the existing key of the lock, removing the lock from the door and then reconfiguring the lock cylinder and tumblers. 

While the procedure is generally easy for deadbolt and doorknob locks but some locks can be more complex and should be handled only by a professional locksmith to avoid damaging the lock.

Benefits of lock Rekey

Lock rekey offers several benefits including convenience and it allows you to use the same lock you are familiar with increased security also cost savings compared to purchasing and installing new lock.