Commercial Locksmith

Professional Services





Top Quality Locksmith Services


Rated 5.00 Stars

Will Make Sure Your Business Stays Secure

We offers commercial locksmith services that designed to improve your business security and ensure compliance with safety regulations. 

Our services customized to meet all your specific needs with different types of commercial establishments like shops, warehouses, hospitals, restaurants and government buildings. 

We offer solutions like installing panic bars, upgrading from doorknobs to deadbolts, installing door closers and interior doors. we also provide rekey service, master key, file cabinets, desks locks and safes.

Locksmith play as important role in business security and offering strategic for risk assessment and protection. 

We can help you identifying high risk areas from thefts and install panic bars in industrial outlets or implement access control systems to restrict access to specific sections and track key usage. 

Why should you partner with Austin Lock & Door?

Austin Lock & Door provide emergency services for business and handling lockouts situations and we also can install CCTV and alarm systems for additional security.

Access control systems is another service offered by us to provide and increased security. These systems include keycard systems, biometric access control and intercom systems That customizable to specific security levels and privileges for different areas in the building.